
מציג פוסטים מתאריך מרץ, 2020

The world is moving to freelancers - and the country must protect them

Forget everything you knew about the familiar employee-employer model Because the change is already here. "In 2018, there were about 60 million freelancers in the United States, and by 2027, that would amount to 86.5 million, representing 50.9% of the workforce. To that add the Millennial generation who seek maximum employment flexibility and do not want commitment as employees and receive a serious facelift to the employment market. " Said Erez Boganem, the Deputy and Acting CEO of Synel, the leading company in the development of human capital management technologies. To the full article And what do you think? Do you identify yourself as a Millennial generation? In the organization you work with can you identify the trend in the need for employee job flexibility? Feel free to comment, and like us if  you agree.