
מציג פוסטים מתאריך פברואר, 2020

The Corona virus develops new practices in the world of employment

The Corona virus is undoubtedly a major threat to the world. The industry is almost down and many organizations are doing everything to survive until the outbreak passes. But there is a ray of light. Many businesses internalize that work from home is a necessity when workers are quarantined and prevented from coming to work so the organization is exposed to new practices that streamline the white-collar organizations through remote work. Add to that the trend of the Y and Z generation that will change many organizations according to projections that already in the coming years and you will get a change in an even faster organizational culture. In an article published by Erez Buganim in Calcalist, he wrote: “Flexible work arrangements will surely become a significant component of strengthening companies and organizations. Millennials whose share of the labor market will reach 75% by 2025, will accelerate this trend.” Previous research has shown tens of percen...
Heavy Traffic! There is a simple solution We spend hours in the traffic jams everyday  which costs  tens of billions of dollars  a year. Erez Buganim, Sub and Deputy CEO of Synel recommends for Employers and Organizations  to develop a corporate culture that facilitates work from home . It's so simple that it is ingenious! . https://www.einpresswire.com/article/508949900/the-solution-to-traffic-jams-work-from-home
The ultimate role model for 2020: Multi-tasking, more social skills, more adaptability to change & more technology orientated. More of everything! "Employee holistic vision is already an integral part of our lives and will only accelerate in the coming decades. If you want to stay relevant and lead the game you need to cross the boundaries of your own comfort zone." Thus, according to Erez Buganim, deputy CEO in Synel at the Synel Conference for People and Computers magazine. To the full article: http://bit.ly/36xHZQ5